An organization’s efficiency is what paves the way for success and escalates its expansion. However, if your organization is an NGO, managing institution’s small monetary reserves and formulating a fiscal budget can get awful. The constituents comprising of an NGO’s functionality must receive operational services through transparent processes. Therefore, to have your administration achieve the epitome of productivity, ERP software can assist you get better results.
Benefits which an NGO can redeem through effective employment of the ERP Software are:
- Lower operational and transactional costs
- Streamlines the entire structure including auditing, membership tracking, communication, evaluation, and decision making
- Reduces overlapping of functions and prevents loss of information
- Enhances employees’ experience through simplified timesheets
- Aids managers to undertake crucial financial decisions by providing them real-time financial information
- Improved customer satisfaction and employee performance through transparent processes
- Reorganizes the entire administrative system efficiently through back-end services and support
- Tracks inventory, formulates budget and analyses project feasibility
Being a leading ERP software services company, we have designed ERP software for NGOs with the below mentioned modules and economically reorganize the establishment
1. Program/ Project Planning and Management
- The software was launched with an inclination to serve the manufacturing industry. However, with time the software has evolved and has expanded to cater to multiple sectors with diverse needs. The software facilitates an administration to integrate logical functions, reduces inconvenience caused by overlapping operations, and increases an organization’s productivity through operational viability.
- By leveraging ERP, you can undertake project planning and management with unimaginable practicality. It assists project managers in skimming through ideas and analysing their own feasibility by deploying essential analytical and accounting tools. The software will help you dispense roles and assign responsibilities incorporating schedules and enhancing communication. It will assist you in scrutinizing vendor performance and oversee project meetings.
- The enormous pressure an establishment may be stepping through, ERP software is fundamentally designed to condense efforts and unleash massive yield and efficiency.
- Field Staff Status reporting
- Field staff status reporting system is what happens to deem an organization consumer-friendly and service proficient. To rid the staff of the complicated systems and irritating features, ERP system deployment is imperative. Although, the reporting standards in almost every establishment are protracted, yet they are essential since they highlight accountability, productivity, and optimization.
- A simplified process will enable an organization against the evils of tardiness. Complete timesheets and job forms liberate employees from lingering bureaucratic formalities. Effective field staff reporting system exonerates employees from billing and payroll inaccuracy, the backlog of paperwork, and delayed processing.
- Human Resource Management System
- Human Resource as a domain has undergone considerable transformations. It has now emerged as the department which supports an entire organization like a backbone. Therefore, only the most significant software can help manage an organization’s talents and draw benefits perpetually. The size of the organization does not hinder the functioning of the software. Instead, it amplifies the customary HR responsibilities through effective streamlining and assistance.
- Enhanced comprehensiveness influences an organization’s functioning by assuming control of the recruitment, payroll, and pensions. Besides the current services, it also helps in consolidating resource data and employee information for effective administration.
- Finance
- Finance has always been one of the most crucial domains for an establishment to keep in check. Consequently, if it is a non-profit organization, the cash crunch, and budget restrictions can make you go nuts. To maintain a steady influx of cash, financial management through ERP is the doorway to money problems. ERP assists managers in formulating a realistic budget in real terms through analytical techniques. To estimate the viability of a project, let ERP take the reins for finding you the path towards promoting savings.
- Let’s you refine the data for devising strategies to employ surplus and assess the capital requirements. From paying vendors to the economic allocation of financial resources, ERP handles it all competently.
- Core Administration
- Administration would an organization advance if the core administration encounters flaw in the supporting management structure? It should not take a business wizard to conjure a response. However, what can invoke the obliteration of deficiencies in the support framework is ERP software. It manages to provide back-end support to the administrative staff, assisting them in walking through their everyday hassles with an effortless approach.
- The core administration’s responsibility lies in the entire organization. However, with ERP, the burden is halved since it facilitates secure communication and regular subordination. The software assists the core management in gathering data, analysing, and comprehending it in real-time inducing vital implementation.
- Information Technology
- It is time to revolutionize the governance of NGOs since ERP presents a proactive solution for business requirements. It will help streamline your financial operations and enable an organization to tap eventful opportunities. With IT services integrated through ERP, your organization can manage helpdesk and realize analytical tools which were earlier overlooked.
- Helping you organize a centralized consumer data to articulating information-rich reports, ERP will liberate your organization from flaws which formerly held back the establishment’s potential.
Embrace the technology which will help you assess and mitigate risks. It will assist you in designing a strategic plan of action for your organization during a crisis. The effectiveness of ERP only takes organizations further. The approach employed by the software is solely governed by efficiency and optimization. Also, an NGO exclusively runs on donations, and to have it managed, and progress with competence requires unwavering attention.
An NGO has a lot to look ahead including social media marketing, supervising volunteers, and issuing budgets for events. And for all that to undergo gracefully, the integration of the software becomes indispensable. The software enables resource management and quick implementation through adequate tools and features. Let your NGO soar through the clouds of eternity as the world needs more establishments like those, not less. Nowadays, almost all Non-Profit Organisations are facing numerous challenges and complexities. Through our best-in-class ERP software development services we have helped many NGOs counter these challenges and become more successful. Our built ERP software are specifically designed for the NGO, which in turn will help users to inescapably result in growth and enhanced efficiency.